Dear Parents/Carers, Students and Families,
We have reached the end of 2024 and what a huge year it has been for our college.
Boronia K-12 College 2024 DUX
Congratulations goes to our 2024 College DUX, Matthew Mayfield. Matthew plans to pursue Chemical Engineering at Monash University in 2025. This year, we have seen some of the best VCE results achieved by our students, a testament to our students’ hard work. A big thank you to our teachers across Year 7 – 12 for your tireless efforts, we continue to raise the bar and challenge our students to achieve their personal best. This year’s success is not just about Year 12 but reflects the work of every teacher who has supported and shaped our students throughout their journey, including through our primary school and in some cases our Kinder. Moreover, a big thanks to our Senior School and Careers Team who continue to assist students with their next steps. Finally, and most importantly, I wish to say that at BK12 we recognise and celebrate all Pathways to Success and this looks different for every student. We wish all of our Year 12 students the best moving forward.
Boronia K-12 College Values Review
This term we underwent a process of reviewing our current values, vision statement and motto. The purpose for this was to ask important questions about who we are as a school, what we stand for and whether our current values, vision and motto still represent who we are and our ambitions for the future. It had also been 12 years since the Boronia K-12 College opened so it made sense that it was time to undertake this review especially after our school review late last term. The process involved stakeholder groups, encompassing: all staff, students from our Student Voice Team and others who participated in the school review, school council members and our Parents, Friends and Community Group.
It is with great excitement that I announce to you today our new College Values, Vision Statement, and Motto starting from 2025.
To me, this feels like a natural evolution for our school – honouring two existing values, Community and Respect, that have been widely endorsed throughout this process by all stakeholders involved, while introducing two new values, Aspiration and Excellence, that reflect our ambition and the direction in which we are heading as a school community.
Belong, Believe, Achieve
Belong refers to each individual feeling that they belong and feel valued as a member of our school community. Belonging gives everyone a sense of safety, positivity, support and motivation to learn.
Believe is underpinned by belonging and refers to the belief in oneself to strive for their personal best.
Achieve is underpinned by both belonging and belief because once you feel that you belong and believe in your capabilities, achieving your goals becomes possible.
At Boronia K-12 College, we foster a safe and inclusive learning environment where every student feels a strong sense of belonging. We are committed to empowering students to become knowledgeable, resilient, and curious learners who are equipped to engage with the local and global community. We inspire a shared passion for learning and encourage everyone to strive for their personal best.
We will connect the key words from the vision statement to the 9 segments of our ‘b’ logo and will also have the motto visually presented next to the logo.
The updated logo will be used on our website, promotional material and merchandise. Our uniform logo will remain the same.
The focus now is on developing elaborations of our new values to establish a shared understanding and language in preparation for the official launch in 2025.
New College Promotional Video
Recently, we were offered a free multi-media package. You can view the new promotional video below.
School Fete
A massive thanks to our community for supporting the inaugural Fete. Despite some challenging weather, it was a fantastic success for our school. There was a great turn out with smiles all round! A big thanks to our staff, parent helpers, members from Boronia Rotary Club, all the organisational stalls and market stalls. A special thanks to Mr Robinson for organising the performances, Ms McMillan, Ms Lumsden and Ms Easton for the amazing Art Exhibition, the primary teachers for the learning activities and the Sausage Sizzle Team lead by Mr Stone and Mr Latu – thank you so much everyone!
And, what an incredible effort by Bree Ibbotson, who played a critical role in the organisation of our fete, supported by our wonderful office team. Thank you!
Announcing our 2025 Student Leadership Team
- Senior College Captain – Lucinda Eichinski
- Senior College Captain – Emily McKergow
- Senior College Vice-Captain – Cruz Tomlinson
- Senior College Vice-Captain – Ashley Davies
- Senior College Vice-Captain – Baelan Coutts
- Middle College Captain – Matthew Payne
- Middle College Vice-Captain – Mitchell Knight
- Middle College Vice-Captain – CJ Stagg
- Secondary Chandler House Captains – Annabelle and Miranda Skevington
- Secondary Paterson House Captain – Jaxson Bethune
- Secondary Hollows House Captain – Myra Searle
- Secondary Freeman House Captain – Elle Davies
- Junior School Captains – Prue Rosel, Bella Crawford, Connor Williamson, Emily Forman
- Primary Chandler House Captains – Roy O’Reilly
- Primary Paterson House Captain – Rogue Dare
- Primary Hollows House Captain – Evie Smith
- Primary Freeman House Captain – Tilli Church
Departing Staff
As we approach the end of the year, we also bid farewell to several staff members who have made significant contributions to the Boronia K-12 College community. We thank them for their dedication and wish them all the best for the future:
- Adrienne Tanner (taking 12 months leave)
- Amanda Cellante (who left mid-year)
- Amy Cumming
- Catherine Holleran
- Celeste Wells
- Chia Yee Robertson
- Lachlan Riddiford
- Meg Williams
- Michael Arvanitakis
- Kelsey Van Ommen
- Ruihong Lu
New Staff
We welcome new staff to our college:
- Sophia Edwards – Student Counsellor
- Dean Moore – Instrumental Music – Piano, Guitar, Bass (Secondary and Primary)
- Lilian Ceron-Fernandez – Spanish
Going from Good to Great!
2025 will be the year in which we accelerate our school improvement journey, moving from a good school to a great school in every aspect. The crucial ingredients to make this happen are:
- Strong Leadership with a clear vision and direction
- Stronger connections with our local community – “A great school sits at the heart of a great community”
- Parents and Staff working together to achieve the best outcomes for students
- High expectations when it comes to learning, wearing uniform, following school rules
- Collective Responsibility and Accountability for staff
- Clear Direction, compelling narrative and sequential priorities
- A calm and orderly environment where students are known by staff
- A focus on what matters most – fewer priorities, done well
Embracing Higher Expectations
I want to emphasise the importance of our shared expectations for our school, which are fundamental about creating a positive and productive learning environment. It is crucial that we continuously challenge ourselves as a school community to reach new heights. Together, we can ‘raise the bar’ to improve every aspect of our school programs and service.
School Attendance
Next year, attendance will continue to be a high priority for our school. Together we can make sure every day of learning counts. Collectively, let’s ensure that our young people know the importance of attending school for their future opportunities. Evidence shows us that career opportunities and future prosperity decreases for high levels of school absence. Thank you for your support.
Uniform and Learning Resources
I would like to remind families and students of our high expectations regarding being ready to learn daily with the required equipment/materials and wearing the current school uniform. The summer period is a time for family and friends but also for reflection and getting organised for 2025. New books, stationary and BK12 Uniform is all part of this process. We are always here to support families.
Bell Times 2025
A reminder that we have started using new bell times that provide a consistent day structure for all five school days. This supports us to implement a consistent and predictable learning environment. You will notice a ‘Mentor’ Class after period 2 each day. This class will be taught by the same Mentor teacher every day who will teach topics under three pillars: Learning to Learn, Wellbeing and Inclusion and Careers and Pathways. On Fridays, the middle and senior school assemblies will run during this time.
Boronia K-12 College Strategic Plan
Our next four-year Strategic Plan (2025 – 2028) outlines our goals, key improvement strategies and key performance targets.
Goal 1: Improve the learning growth and achievement of every student
Goal 2: Maximise the engagement and wellbeing for every student
Open Night and Curriculum Day
I wish to flag that our College Open Night which will also be a Curriculum Day is scheduled for Tuesday 25 March.
Thank you once again for your continued support and partnership. Together, let us continue to champion our school in the wider community. Have a wonderful break, and I look forward to welcoming you all back for a strong finish to the school year.
Paul Broecker