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The BK12 Buzz // Term 1, Issue 1, March 2025

7th March 2025

We’ve had a busy and exciting start to 2025, we hope you enjoying catching up on what’s been happening in Term 1 so far!

Boronia K-12 College Open Day / Open Night – Tuesday 25 March 2025

Come along and visit us on Open Day / Night on Tuesday, 25 March 2025.

Reminder: Tuesday 25 March 2025 will be a Whole College Curriculum Day (student-free day). 


Boronia K-12 College Promotional Video

Don’t forget to check out our new Promotional Video below!


Key Dates & Advertisements

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Upcoming Key Dates

Labour Day Public HolidayMonday 10 March 2025
Whole College Athletics CarnivalTuesday March 11 2025
Year 11 VM STEM Grand Prix ExcursionThursday March 13 2025
Intergenerational ProgramBeginning Thursday March 13 2025
Year 8 VolleyballFriday March 14 2025
Year 3-6 Knox Division Swimming CarnivalMonday March 17 2025
Year 12 KIOSCMonday March 17 2025
Outdoor Education – Mornington Peninsula Day TripThursday 20 March 2025
The Basin Music Festival – Choir PerformanceSunday 23 March 2025
Whole College Curriculum (student-free) DayTuesday 25 March 2025
Boronia K-12 College Open DayTuesday 25 March 2025
Boronia K-12 College Open NightTuesday 25 March 2025 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Year 6 Surfing ExcursionWednesday 26 March 2025
Outdoor Education Surfing ExcursionThursday 3 April 2025
Boronia K-12 College Basketball Tip-Off ProgramBeginning Wednesday 23 April 2025
Year 9 Camp ButtercupWednesday 30 April – Friday 2 May 2025





Boronia K-12 College Parents & Friends Community Group

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Parents & Friends Community Group 2025

As we look ahead to 2025, we invite you to become part of our Parents & Friends Community Group at Boronia K-12 College — a wonderful way to connect with other families, support school initiatives, and contribute to our vibrant school community.

Our group plays a key role in organising events, fundraising efforts, and creating opportunities that enhance the learning experience for all students. Whether you have a little or a lot of time to give, your involvement will be greatly valued.

If you are interested in joining or would like to learn more, please complete the form via this link 2025 Parents & Friends Community Group form or contact the office on (03) 9760 4900 to register your interest.

We look forward to welcoming new faces and working together to make 2025 another fantastic year!


Principal Report

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Dear Parents/Carers, Students, and Staff,

Welcome Back!

I am delighted to welcome all students and staff back to another school year. Our start has been incredibly smooth, positive, and productive, setting the stage for what promises to be a fantastic year of learning, growth, and achievement.

Personally, I was especially excited to start Term 1 because I started in Term 2 last year and the year was already underway. With the support of the leadership team, I have been focused on ensuring we are highly organised, and staff were extremely well planned in welcoming students back. 

This year, we once again welcomed our new Foundation (prep) and Year 7 students, along with many other new students across all year levels. Our Foundation and Year 7 Orientation Program has been a key focus in ensuring a smooth transition for our newest students. The program includes engaging activities designed to help them build connections with their classmates, get to know their teachers, and navigate their way around the school. For the Year 7s, this included Camp at Ferngully Lodge which was a fantastic success, and I had the pleasure of visiting.

It has been wonderful to see all the students settling in so well, making new friends, and embracing our new school values of Community, Aspiration, Respect and Excellence.

New and Returning Staff

I am also so pleased with our recruitment over the school break. We welcome a group of dynamic and highly skilled new staff members, who bring fresh energy and expertise to our school community.

  • Sophia Edwards – student counsellor (Monday and Thursday)
  • Lilian Ceron-Fernandez –Spanish (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
  • Dean Moore – Instrumental Music (primary on Monday and secondary on Fridays) – Piano, Guitar, Bass
  • Thomas Simcic – Secondary English/Humanities (replacing Peter Ridgeway who went to Scoresby Secondary College)
  • Nicole Wilkinson – returning from family leave
  • Sharyn Williamson – returning from family leave, primary STEM (Monday and Tuesdays)
  • Caitlin O’Conner – Literacy Intervention Secondary
  • Olivia Johnson and Alec Gifford – Classroom support Year 3/4

New College Values, Vision and Motto

After extensive review and consultation in Term 4 last year, we have now launched our new College Values, Vision Statement and Motto. These capture the evolution of our school – honouring two existing values, Community and Respect, that were widely supported, while introducing two new values, Aspiration and Excellence, that reflect our ambition and direction in which we are heading as a school community. The new Values create the acronym CARE which adds another layer of meaning that we CARE for every student and ensure no one is held back or left behind in their education.

Supporting our new Values, is an updated Vision Statement that reflects key words that came through strongly throughout the review process. The 9 words that are bolded connect to the 9 segments of our logo giving strength to the meaning of our logo and what we stand for as a school community.

This is titled the Boronia K-12 Way or BK12 Way for short. And the third component is our new Motto. During the review process it became quite evident that the existing motto ‘Proudly Learning Together’ was not well known by our students in particular but also many staff and parents/carers.

Our new motto Belong, Believe, Achieve is short and powerful, helping to build meaning and understanding. A strong sense of belonging was overwhelming endorsed through the consultation process; thus it was fitting to have it as the first word of our new motto followed by Believing in oneself which leads to Achievement.

2024 Achievements

I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the growth and achievements of our school throughout the last twelve months. There have been a lot of positive improvements across a wide range of areas from school operations, academic results and teacher practice. Some notable highlights were community events such as the Fete, PBE afternoons, Camps, Sport, Art and Music showcases along with much improved academic results. We were recognised as a top 10 school out of the local 25 secondary schools for Year 9 NAPLAN results and our VCE results were the best for over 5 years. Student attendance is much higher, and this is due to family support and a shift in understanding the importance of coming to school every day with a specific example being even if you’re not involved in a sport excursion, you still have classes.

2025 Annual Implementation Plan

This graphic illustrates our key priorities for this year’s Annual Implementation Plan. We have a very focused plan and we will be working hard at these priorities this year.

Introducing our 2025 Student Leadership Team!

Congratulations to all these students and I look forward to meeting with them each week to further improve our school.

Senior College Captain – Lucinda E

Senior College Captain – Emily M

Senior College Vice-Captain – Cruz T

Senior College Vice-Captain – Ashley D

Senior College Vice-Captain – Baelan C

Middle College Captain – Matthew P

Middle College Vice-Captain – Mitchell K

Middle College Vice-Captain – Caleb (CJ) S

Secondary Chandler House Captains – Annabelle and Miranda S

Secondary Paterson House Captain – Jaxson B

Secondary Hollows House Captain – Myra S

Secondary Freeman House Captain – Elle D

Junior School Captains – Prue R, Bella C, Connor W, Emily F

Primary Chandler House Captains – Roy O

Primary Paterson House Captain – Rogue D

Primary Hollows House Captain – Evie S

Primary Freeman House Captain – Tilli C

Parents and Friends of BK12

Our last meeting was held on Thursday 27/2 from 9:30am – 10:30am. If you are interested in joining our group, please contact the main office.

Working Bee – Saturday 15 March 9am – 12pm

There is a plan to hold a working bee on Saturday 15 March from 9:00am – 12:00pm, if you are interested, please complete this form Boronia K-12 College Working Bee – Saturday 15 March 2025 or contact our main office. Hope to see you there!

New Instructional Model


This year we launched our new Instructional Model ‘I LEARN’. An instructional model explains how lessons will be delivered by teachers and it helps provide students with predictability about learning and their role as learners. Educational research has long shown that when schools have greater consistency of teacher practice, learning is more effective and students’ outcomes are much better.

The implementation of the Model is being supported by ongoing professional development for teaching staff.

Updated Positive Behaviour Expectations (PBE)

Our school is part of the school-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) program, an evidenced based initiative supported by the Department of Education. We contextually call this PBE to help students understand it’s purpose and meaning. This year we have updated our PBE Matrix based on learnings and feedback, and it now explicitly connects with our new school values. Parents/carers may have noticed the PBE notifications via compass and SMS, this is all part of our approach to recognise and celebrate students doing the right thing and demonstrating our college values.

I’d like to share some reflections and highlights of the term so far:

  • We have successfully launched our new College Values, Vision, and Motto.
  • Our new Strategic and Annual Implementation Plans are clear, concise, and well underway, with the Leadership Team taking strong ownership.
  • The revamped staff professional development program is off to a strong start, focusing on our priority work: implementing our Instructional Model and improving student outcomes in Writing and Numeracy.
  • Three Staff Handbooks have been introduced this year, two of which are new (Staff Handbook A-Z, Professional Learning Community (PLC), and Student Engagement and Wellbeing).
  • The Whole School Assembly held on Monday, February 10th was a positive event, where we recognized past Year 12 students, heard from our DUX, Matthew Mayfield, and introduced our new Student Leadership Team.
  • The Year 6/7 electives and Year 8/9 elective programs are going well.
  • The Knox Supported Playgroup Program has launched on Wednesday mornings in the 3-year-old room of our K12 Early Learning Centre, and we have some exciting upcoming events, such as Special Friends Day on March 17th. 
  • We will have a marquee spot at the upcoming Knox Festival on March 1st.
  • The Tip Off Basketball Program (for Years 5-10), funded by the Knox Basketball Association, has been advertised and will run throughout Term 2.
  • The Year 9 SEPEP Sports Coaching Program is taking place at Boronia Heights PS on February 19th and 26th.
  • Several excursions have already taken place, including Senior Volleyball, Year 3-6 District Swimming, Outdoor Ed Hiking, and Year 10 KIOSC (Green Energy Revolution).
  • There are now 11 lunchtime clubs running across the school, coordinated by Ms. Kyval.
  • School photos are scheduled for Monday, March 3rd, followed by our Teddy Bears Picnic that afternoon from 3:15pm to 4:15pm.
  • We are excited to have a new Mural Project underway involving our students, teacher Ms Lumsden, Artist Ruby Parr, and the Boronia RSL. Ms Lumsden and RSL President, Rod Canobie are coordinating the project.

2025 School Expectations, Routines and Reminders

I would like to remind families and students that our high expectations come with equally high levels of support. Our college offers various avenues of assistance to families and students facing hardship to ensure that every student has access to the required books and materials for learning and the correct school uniform. I also encourage you to take advantage of the $400 School Saving Bonus initiative to help cover the cost of uniforms, textbooks, excursions and activities such as instrumental music (secondary).

Please contact our office team or relevant Sub School who will be happy to assist.

We’re committed to ensuring every student has what they need to thrive and succeed, so let’s work together to achieve the best outcomes and overcome any challenges.  

Thank you once again for your continued support and partnership. Together, let us continue to champion our school in the wider community.


Paul Broecker


Assistant Principal Report – Secondary

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Term 1 Update: A Busy Start to the Year at Boronia K-12 College

It’s hard to believe that we are already more than halfway through Term 1.  The first five weeks have been packed with exciting events and plenty of action. Here’s a snapshot of what’s been happening around the school:

Information Sessions: A Big Thank You

A huge thank you to the parents, students, and staff who have attended the information sessions held so far this year. From the Senior School Information Evening to the Year 7 Camp Preparation session and the Year 7 Getting to Know You afternoon, these events have provided great opportunities to connect with others in similar circumstances and reflect on our students’ journeys. We are truly grateful for the continued support from our parent community, and our Sub-school teams and teachers love building strong partnerships through these gatherings.

Calm Classrooms with Hardworking Staff and Students

As many of our local feeder primary school families are considering Boronia K-12 for their children’s Year 7 journey, we’ve had the pleasure of showcasing our vibrant and engaging classrooms. Visitors have commented on the excellent rapport between our teachers and students, with students actively engaged in their learning while teachers provide personalized support. Our wonderful facilities continue to offer fantastic learning opportunities that make us very proud. In the coming weeks we will host Discovery Days for close to 350 local Grade 5 students and staff. This is an opportunity for students to experience firsthand what it is like to be a student at BK-12 College. 

Student Progress and Parent Engagement

Mid-Term Progress Reports have just been released, giving a snapshot of students’ work habits and academic performance. We firmly believe that setting high expectations for students is key to their success, and we encourage you to discuss these reports with your child. Recognizing strengths and areas for improvement together can foster growth. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your child’s progress further, please don’t hesitate to contact the staff.

Sports Carnivals: A Day of Fun and Competition

Our School Swimming Carnival on Thursday, February 13th was a resounding success. Despite the warm weather, students participated eagerly in a wide range of events and activities. It was wonderful to see staff and students showing school spirit by dressing in their house colours and competing with enthusiasm. The Athletics Carnival is coming up on Tuesday, March 25th, and we look forward to another fantastic day filled with fun events and plenty of colourful outfits!

The Evolving House System

Based on feedback from our Student Voice Team, we’ve made some exciting changes to the House System this year. While sporting events continue to play a big role, students can now earn House points for participation in Student Leadership activities, Lunchtime clubs, and Positive Behaviour Expectations (PBE) posts. This new approach not only encourages participation but also fosters team spirit and motivates students to support each other.

We’re also thrilled to soon unveil our new House mascots. The images were designed by the talented winner of our Mascot competition in term 4, 2024 and then professionally generated by a graphic artist. The mascots are currently being finalized, and we can’t wait to share them with the school community!


The National Assessment program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assesses literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will participate in upcoming NAPLAN tests include Reading, Writing, Conventions of Language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. Testing will occur over a three-day period from March 12th – 18th including Catch Up sessions for students who are absent on the day of testing.

NAPLAN is useful in the following ways:

  • Students and parents can use individual results to discuss progress with teachers.
  • Teachers are able to use the results to identify students who may require extra support or further challenges in their learning
  • Schools can use NAPLAN results to identify strengths and weaknesses in the teaching and learning programs, and also for goal setting in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy.

A reminder to parents and carer that Exemptions may be granted to students with significant intellectual disabilities and to students who have been learning English for less than one year.

If your child is eligible for support due to disability or exemption, you should discuss this with their teacher prior to the tests. Parental consent is required before any support due to disability or exemption is granted.

Students may also be withdrawn from NAPLAN by their parent or carer. This is a matter for consideration by parents and carers in consultation with a member of the principal team. If, after consultation, you decide to withdraw your child, you must sign a student withdrawal form. These forms are available at the school. Please contact the relevant Assistant Principal to organize this paperwork prior to the testing days.

School Photos: Catch-up Date 27th March 2025

Our school photo day was held on Monday, March 3rd. For students who were absent, there will be a catch-up day on March 27th between 9:00 and 11:00 am. We thank the student helpers, office staff, and teachers who helped make this day run smoothly.

Uniform Reminders and Updates

We would like to extend our appreciation to the 85% of students who are consistently wearing the correct school uniform. We continue to celebrate this via our uniform raffles. Our goal however is for 100% uniform compliance, and we believe that the School Saving Bonus program should enable families to purchase all the necessary uniform items. We’ve also taken on board received feedback from students and parents about the current style of blue shorts. School Council and Student Voice Team members are working with our Spartan representative to offer an alternative style of blue sport short, and we anticipate these will be available for purchase in early Term 2.

Additionally, we are incredibly grateful for the ongoing generosity of our community members who donate second hand uniform items. This clothing has been freshly laundered and is ready to be passed on to families in need. If you are seeking uniform assistance, please contact Ms. Kath Middleton or Nicole Costa on (03) 9760 4900.


Looking forward to the rest of the term and the exciting events ahead!



Kathryn Middleton

Assistant Principal, Secondary

Wellbeing & Inclusion Report

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Welcome back to Term 1 2025 from the Wellbeing Team!

Wellbeing Team 2025

In case you forgot who we are and to introduce you to our new team members, here is who we are.

To make an appointment with a wellbeing practitioner, please pop in during recess or lunch or speak to a teacher.

What’s Been Happening in Term 1?

Dental Van

We have had a big start to the term with the Dental Van visiting the week starting 24 February. The team from Australian Dental Health saw over 90 students for a range of check-ups, cleans, x-rays and even some fillings. All students that visited the dental van were brave, positive and were big supports to their friends and siblings. It was so lovely to see how much they encouraged each other by saying “it will be okay”. A big thank you to the wellbeing team, in particular James Latu for making sure the dental van is a positive and successful experience for all.

Doctors in School’s Program

Towards the end of 2024, we found out that we wouldn’t have a GP and Nurse for our Doctors in Secondary School’s Program for Term 1 2025. We are so excited to announce that Dr Natalie Barton from By Design Holistic Health will be joining the program. We have had Dr Nat fill in previous years who in her time built great relationships and was a fantastic support. We can’t wait to welcome back Dr Nat every second Thursday starting March 6, 2025.

To book an appointment, please get in touch with a member of the wellbeing team or pop in to see Dr Nat during recess or lunch next Thursday.

Lego Group

Lego Group has started back up for the year. This is a small group-based activity that runs over a four-week period, with up to four students in each group. The group focuses on teamwork, sharing ideas and stories, listening and asking questions of fellow group members all using Lego pieces.

Here are some of the wonderful creations from week one. These creative constructions were answers to the question asked of each student, what is your superpower?

Breakfast Club


Nicole Costa

Director of Wellbeing

Administration Report

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General Office Opening Hours

The General Office is open from 8:15am to 4:15pm Monday to Thursday and 8:15am to 4:00pm on Friday. 

The Junior School Office is open from 8:30am to 3:30pm Monday to Friday. 

General Office Contact Details

Phone: (03) 9760 4900


Business Manager Email:

Administrative Staff Roles

Maria Jansen: Business Manager

Bree Ibbotson: Executive Assistant to the Principal Team

Meaghan McLeod: VASS and VET Administration / General Administration 

Jasmine Ames: Accounts Payable / General Administration

Toni Bellingham: Accounts Receivable / Marketing & Community Engagement / General Administration 

Kaitlyn Cowie: Reception / General Administration / Integration Aide

Karen Ashby: Reception / General Administration

Laura Higgins: Attendance Officer / General Administration 

Reminder: School Saver Bonus & CSEF 

School Saving Bonus (SSB) is at this stage a one-off $400 payment to assist families with the costs of their children/s school uniforms, textbooks, excursions and activities.

If you haven’t used your School Savings Bonus, please check your emails (including your junk folder) for your unique code to log that is needed to log into the school saving bonus portal.

Once logged into the portal you can allocate what you would like to spend your funds on.

If you are allocating funds to school activities, you can then use this to pay for your child’s excursions and school activities. Once funding has been allocated to school activities, you should contact the general office via phone or email to advise what activities, camps or excursions you would like the SSB funds to cover.

If you have experienced any challenges accessing your School Saver Bonus, we will work with you to provide assistance as best we can, and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this new initiative.

Additionally, the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) is also available for eligible families. If you haven’t applied yet, please do so soon to ensure you don’t miss out on this additional support.  Forms are available from the either the General or Primary Office.

Both of these benefits are designed to help ease the financial burden placed on families, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Toni Bellingham or a member of the office team if you need any help or further information.


As always, thank you for your ongoing support as we endeavour to continue providing timely and friendly assistance to our staff, students and families.



Maria Jansen

Business Manager

Junior School Report

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An Exciting Start for our Junior School in Term 1

An incredible first term in the Junior School to start a big year in 2025!

We have welcomed our Foundation students as well as a number of new families to our Boronia K-12 College community. It’s been a pleasure to walk around the classes and to see such settled classrooms full of learning and cooperation. We thank our hard-working Junior School staff for their commitment to supporting our students and tireless efforts to continue to create amazing opportunities.

Congratulations to our new Student Leaders, our College Captains Bella C, Emily F, Prue R & Connor W along with our new House Captains Roy O (Chandler), Tilli C (Freeman), Evie S (Hollows) & Rogue D (Paterson). This team, along with our amazing Student Voice Team have some big goals for 2025 and are working hard to continue to improve our college experience for everyone involved.


Our new daily mentor session before recess has allowed our students to be explicitly taught around our Positive Behaviour Expectations, our IB Learner Profile as well as including curriculum from our Respectful Relationships and Berry Street processes that support our students as a whole.

As part of our evolving Positive Behaviour Expectations Framework, we have updated our Matrix to include our new College CARE Values of Community, Aspiration, Respect and Excellence. We have seen many Positive Green Compass PBE posts sent out to our students, with each one also contributing 10 house points. If any families are not yet connected to Compass or are not receiving the email and/or text messages regarding the posts, please don’t hesitate to contact the College.

In 2025, we will continue to welcome our families in each term for our PBE Community Lessons. Term 1’s PBE Community Lesson will be held on Wednesday, 2 April from 2:05pm. Our Student Leadership team are working hard to create a fun an engaging lesson to teach to our families and we are looking forward to having families join us. There will be more information communicated to families closer to the event.

Throughout the first half of the Term 1 we have held many events, including:

  • Get to Know you Interviews
  • Children’s University Startup
  • Instrumental Music Lessons with Dean Moore
  • Whole College Swimming Carnival
  • Dental Van visit
  • Clean Up Australia Day
  • Teddy Bear’s Picnic
  • Weekly Junior School Assemblies (from 2:15pm in the College Performing Arts Centre)

We thank everyone in the College Community who has been part of each of these events and we are excited for many more fun and exciting events and opportunities for our community across the remainder of Term 1 and the year.


Mitchell Stone

Director of Junior School

4-Year-Old Kinder

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Term 1 in 4-Year-Old Kinder!


The 4-Year-Old Kinder children have settled into the Kinder space well and are enjoying their time together building friendships and exploring their new environment.

Our focus for the first few weeks has been settling the children in and building strong relationships with each other and educators as well as learning and remembering the routines, transitions and expectations of our kinder day.

The children have had a variety of experiences to explore both inside and outside.

Outside, the children have enjoyed water play, playing in the sandpits, riding bikes, playing basketball and playing in the cubby house.

Inside, the children have loved the building blocks, puzzles, widgets, drawing and painting at the easel.

With each session, the children will become more familiar with the kinder routine, develop more and more confidence of feeling safe and secure, and begin to socialise and form strong and positive relationships.



Michelle Buchanan

Director of the Early Learning Centre

3-Year-Old Kinder

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Welcome to Three-Year-Old Kinder 2025!

The children’s anticipation and excitement was evident as they stepped into the first day of our three-year-old program. Amidst a mix of emotions, children began to explore the kinder environment, gradually getting to know us as educators and meeting new friends. It has been a heartening start to the year, and we’re delighted to share that our Puggle group have settled beautifully into their new surroundings.

During the initial week, we watched ‘Sesame Street: Murray’s First Day of Preschool.’ This video played a pivotal role in helping the children understand what happens in Kinder, including the significance of sharing with their new peers. We followed this with a reading of ‘Just Jack’ by Jane Tanner, a heart-warming tale about a boy in a superhero costume making friends by simply being himself. This sparked a wonderful discussion during group time among the children about the exciting activities they enjoy whilst at Kinder, such as painting, blocks, making mud cakes, hide and seek, and playing in the sandpit.

Our Puggle group has already displayed remarkable creativity, producing paintings that are on display in our Kinder foyer.

Exploring Family and Identity

This term, we’ve focused on the theme of ‘identity’. We’ve explored our differences, learnt about ourselves, and shared our interests, weaving the concept of families into our discussions.

Through family collaboration, the children have filled out their ‘All About Me’ sheets and have bravely commenced sharing these with their classmates, which aligns beautifully with the Reggio Emilia philosophy of recognising each child’s unique identity. Building on this journey of family and identity, our craft table was bustling with creativity as the children began constructing their family mobiles. With each individual item, they crafted representations of their family members, promoting understanding and appreciation for diverse family dynamics.

Things I Can Do

As part of our ‘Things I Can Do’ theme, children eagerly practiced and discovered new skills to add to their personal lists. They climbed the A-frame, navigated obstacle courses, pedalled bikes, jumped high on the mini-tramp, set tables, and honed their soccer skills. These activities not only promoted physical development but also enhanced their confidence in their abilities.


Dawn Willis

Early Childhood Teacher – 3-Year-Old Program

Senior School Report

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Celebrating a Fantastic Start to the Year at Boronia K-12 College by our Senior Students!

What an incredible start to the year it has been for our Senior School students! The energy, enthusiasm, and commitment shown by our students across a range of events and initiatives has set the tone for a positive and successful year ahead.

One of the highlights so far has been the Swimming Carnival, where our Senior School students led the way in school spirit. A special mention must go to our Year 12 students, many of whom embraced the day with some outstanding costumes— including some rather impressive (and entertaining!) impersonations of their Senior School teachers! Their enthusiasm and leadership helped make the event a fun and memorable day for all involved.

A huge shoutout also goes to our VCE VM students, particularly the Year 11 cohort, for their exceptional work in supporting our F-2 students. Their careful planning, organisation, and running of novelty events ensured that our youngest students had an enjoyable and engaging experience. This kind of leadership and dedication truly embodies the spirit of Boronia K-12 College.

Our students have also been proudly representing the College beyond the school grounds, with a number of them competing at the Inter-School Volleyball tournament at Upwey High School. Their sportsmanship, teamwork, and determination were fantastic to see, and we congratulate them on their efforts.

This year has also seen some important changes at Boronia K-12 College, and our Senior School students have responded with maturity and commitment. The new requirement for all Senior School students to be in attendance for study periods has been embraced as an opportunity to develop strong independent learning habits. Additionally, our daily mentor sessions have been a great way for students to check in, seek support, and stay connected with staff and peers.

Another exciting development has been the introduction of our new College Values, Vision, and Motto, which underpin everything we do. It has been wonderful to see our Senior School students leading by example and actively embracing these guiding principles in their day-to-day school life.

With such a strong start to the year, we are looking forward to all that the year has to offer.


Wayne Judge

Director of Senior School

Middle School Report

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A Strong Start to the Year

Our Middle School students have had a strong start to the year, demonstrating progress in both their academic and personal development.

Mentor Program

Students have engaged positively in Mentor lessons, building a portfolio of their learning. So far, they have explored their strengths, connected with peers, and deepened their understanding of our school’s vision, values, and expectations. They have also focused on the importance of being ready to learn and setting meaningful goals.

As the term progresses, students will reflect on their mid-term reports, continue developing an understanding of our school’s Positive Behaviour Expectations (PBE), and explore elements of emotional literacy.

Highlights So Far

Year 7 Camp – In Week 2, our Year 7 students had a fantastic experience at Ferngully Lodge, participating in a series of fun team-building activities and strengthening their friendships. It was a great opportunity for them to bond as a cohort and form connections with their peers and teachers.

Year 7 Community Afternoon – Last week, we celebrated a great start to secondary school for our Year 7s with a fun-filled afternoon. Families had the opportunity to see what students have been learning in the classroom, connect with other families and staff, and enjoy some friendly competitive trivia rounds. A highlight of the afternoon was Mr. Edwards’ entertaining card tricks, which had everyone captivated!

Year 9 Sports Training at Boronia Heights Primary School – As part of Health and PE, Year 9 students designed and delivered sports training sessions to support the primary school’s sports program. This hands-on experience helped them develop valuable coaching and leadership skills.

Coming Up

Intermediate & Year 8 Volleyball – Students will have the opportunity to showcase their teamwork and sporting skills in upcoming volleyball competitions. These events reinforce discipline, communication, and collaboration. As always, we expect students to demonstrate these values at school first, earning the privilege of representing our college in sport.

Year 9 Camp – From Wednesday, 30th April to Friday, 2nd May, our Year 9 students will head to Camp Buttercup in Merrijig. This camp has been a highlight of our school year for over a decade, providing an incredible opportunity for students to grow, learn, and create lasting memories.


We look forward to continuing what has been a fantastic year so far!



Lyle D’Rozario

Director of Middle School

Year 7 Camp at Ferngully Lodge

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Year 7 Camp at Ferngully Lodge / 5-7 February 2025

To kick off the year, our new Year 7 students headed off on camp to Ferngully Lodge. Students participated in many adventure activities including the giant swing, high ropes course – including the leap of faith, and the commando course. When completing the initiative activities, there was a good sense of competition with each group wanting to be the one to complete the most activities. This led to groups listening to one another and trying different ideas to complete each activity. 

During all activities, students demonstrated perseverance, encouragement and teamwork. We loved seeing them build new connections and develop friendships over the three days of camp – both during activities and down time. All students showed a strong understanding of our CARE values and we can’t wait to watch them grow! 


Student Report

Year 7 camp was a blast! We had so much fun and learned all about our wonderful peers and staff. On the first day we went on a walk around the area, learning about the history of the site and the locations of everything including the activities, some of which were: The Giant Swing, Zipline, High Ropes Course, Trampoline and Archery. Our wonderful staff run a series of games in the hall of an evening, games such as Scattegories and Trivia. Overall, it was an amazing experience that was enhanced by everyone who made it possible.

Written by Sebastian M. of 7B 


Riana Baensch 

Director of Teaching and Learning

Alex Hand

Learning Area Leader – English


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VCE Artists at Work

Check out the video below to see our VCE Artists immersed in their art making practices.

Unit 1 are in the process of learning about painting with oil or acrylic paints and Unit 3 have chosen their own artform to explore, including sculpture, painting, textiles and mixed media.

Exciting times!



Emma Lumsden

Secondary Art Teacher

School Sport

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School Sport 

Our school sport season is off to a fantastic start, with students enthusiastically representing the College and competing in various sporting events.

Swimming Carnival February 13th, 2025

A major highlight was our Whole School Swimming Carnival on February 13th, where students displayed incredible school spirit and sportsmanship. From competitive races to novelty events, it was great to see so many students getting involved and contributing to an exciting day.

Our Senior Volleyball teams competed in the Knox Division competition at Upwey High School and achieved some fantastic results, showcasing their teamwork and dedication. With Year 7, 8, 9, and 10 Volleyball and Tennis competitions just around the corner, we encourage students to sign up via Compass if they haven’t already!

Sport continues to be an integral part of school life, providing opportunities for students to develop their skills, stay active, and build strong team connections. We look forward to another exciting term of sport ahead, with plenty more opportunities for students to get involved and represent our school with pride!


Mitchell Walker

Secondary Sport Coordinator

Outdoor Education

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Outdoor Education – Year 10

It has been an exciting and hands-on term for our Outdoor Education students as they have been developing essential camp craft skills. Students have learned how to set up tents, use a trangia safely and efficiently, and properly pack and carry a hiking backpack. These skills were put to the test during their excursion to Burke’s Lookout, followed by their recent hike through the Dandenong Ranges. Throughout the hike, students set up their tents and trangias at various locations, gaining real-world experience in outdoor living.

A key highlight has been witnessing students’ resilience and problem-solving abilities as they navigated challenges along the way. Their growth mindset and willingness to embrace new skills have been truly commendable. These experiences not only prepare students for future outdoor adventures but also foster teamwork, independence, and an appreciation for nature. With more exciting excursions and outdoor experiences planned for the term ahead, we can’t wait to see students continue to challenge themselves and thrive in the outdoors!


Luke Groves

KLA Leader – Health & Physical Education

Health & Physical Education

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Health and Physical Education

It has been a dynamic and engaging term in HPE, with students across the College actively participating in a range of activities that promote physical fitness and overall wellbeing.

Our Year 7 students have been refining their athletics skills, practicing both track and field events in preparation for the upcoming Athletics Carnival. Year 8 students have been focusing on strategies to improve their health and wellbeing, with an emphasis on understanding different fitness components and how they contribute to overall physical performance.

Meanwhile, Year 9 students have been busy preparing for their upcoming camp at Buttercup, where they have learned vital outdoor skills, such as cooking with a trangia, setting up tents, and reading maps. Additionally, they have been the first year level to begin our exciting Bike Education program, which has been a fantastic addition to the curriculum.

A standout moment this term was the Year 9 students leading sports sessions at Boronia Heights Primary School, as well as leading our own students in Grade 1/2. They planned and delivered the lessons and received fantastic feedback from BHPS and BK12 staff. It’s been an action-packed term, and we look forward to more exciting learning experiences ahead!


Luke Groves

KLA Leader – Health & Physical Education

Boronia K-12 College Music

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Music at Boronia K-12 College

A Spectacular Start to the Year!

What an incredible start to the year it has been in Music! From drumming rhythms to orchestral discoveries, film soundtracks to DJ beats, our students have been diving headfirst into the magic of music.


Our Foundation students have been joyfully dancing and playing percussion instruments as they explore the senses, first focussing on hearing and how we experience sound. It’s been a wonderful way to kick-start their musical journey, with lots of hands-on experimentation!

Year 1/2

In Year 1/2, students have been introduced to the fascinating world of the orchestra, getting to know the instruments of the woodwind, brass, percussion, and string families. They’ve been listening, identifying, and developing a deeper appreciation for how these instruments work together to create beautiful music. A highlight has been creating their own wind instruments! 

Year 3/4

Year 3/4 students have been all about rhythm, bringing energy and enthusiasm to their weekly percussion sessions. They’ve been exploring the djembe, cajón (box drum), congas, and bongos, building their skills and preparing for an exciting drumming performance at the end of the term—get ready for some serious beats!

Year 5

Meanwhile, Year 5 students have stepped into the world of film music, analysing the way soundtracks bring stories to life. They’ve been dissecting songs, focusing on elements like dynamics, tonality, and form, and discovering how composers use music to create emotion and drama on screen.

Year 6/7 Elective Students

For our Year 6/7 elective students, it’s all about DJ skills and the power of music in community events. They’ve been selecting songs for ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, NAIDOC Week, Harmony Week, and RUOK Day, exploring how different musical elements influence mood and meaning. A standout highlight? Learning to play the ukulele and adding another instrument to their repertoire!


Year 8/9

Up in Year 8/9, students have been time-traveling through the last 60 years of music history, exploring pop culture, global events, and technological advancements that have shaped the music we love today. They’ve been bringing each decade to life by learning classic hits on the keyboard and guitar—who knew history could sound this good?

Year 10-12

The Year 10-12 students have been making the most of the wonderful facilities here at BK12, rehearsing their bands and ensembles every day in the music rooms! Stay tuned for their exciting performances this year! 

Instrumental Music Students

Our Instrumental students have started the year with enthusiasm and excitement. The opportunity to work closely with professional musicians has been incredibly motivating! 


And of course, our Choir has been hard at work, rehearsing for two exciting performances—BK12 Open Night and The Basin Music Festival on March 23rd, where they’ll be taking the Pavilion stage!

With so much talent, energy, and passion on display, it’s clear that 2025 is going to be an unforgettable year in Music at BK12. Stay tuned for more exciting performances, creative projects, and musical adventures ahead! 🎵✨


Adele Crawford

Instrumental Music Coordinator / Foundation – Year 9 Music Teacher

Boronia K-12 College Library

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Boronia K-12 College Library – Student Borrowing Guidelines

Welcome back everyone. For those of you who are new to BK12, my name is Mrs. Young, and the College Library is in the red brick building located at the Junior end of the College next to the Foundation – Year 1/2 building.

All primary and secondary classes will have opportunities to visit the College Library on a weekly basis to borrow books for their independent reading programs. While the ELC classes with Michelle and team will visit the College Library on a regular basis for a story and the occasional activity.

​Library Bags

All Foundation to Year 6​ students require a library bag to help protect their library books if they wish to take them home to read. 

Number of books students can borrow:

Foundation1 Book
Year 1 & Year 2Up to 2 Books
Year 3 – Year 6Up to 4 Books
Year 7 – Year 12Up to 4 Books


Loan Period – 14 days

All students can borrow library books for up to 14 days. Students who require more time to finish reading books can renew books any time within the 14-day loan period. 

​Overdue library books

Students who have overdue library books will not be able to borrow until all overdue books have been cleared either by returning or renewing their books. 

If you become aware that your student’s library book is lost or damaged, please let me know, as this will assist in avoiding students having unresolved overdue loans.

Please encourage your students to look after their library books and return or re-borrow their books on time as this will avoid disappointment.

Library Open Times

The College Library is open before and after school as well as lunchtimes for students at the following times.

Before school and after school for borrowing/returning library books: 

Before School: 8:30am – 8:45am

After School: 3:00pm – 3:10pm 

Recess: Library Closed

Lunchtimes: Foundation to Year 12

Monday to Friday: 1.30pm – 2pm.

Please note that no food or drink is to be brought into the library.

2025 Scholastic Book Club Catalogue

During Terms 1, 2, and 3 a Scholastic Book Club catalogue with a different selection of books offered for all ages, will be sent home with each student from ELC to Year 6. In Term 4, we will be running our annual Lamont Book Fair.

You’ll find award winning books and bestsellers, as well as old and new favourites. The books span a wide range of children’s reading levels and interests, with many listed at a reasonable price.

Click here to process your order now!



Jennifer Young


Staff in Focus

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Knox Supported Playgroup – Boronia K-12 College Early Learning Centre

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Knox Supported Playgroup

Boronia K-12 College is proud to announce that, in partnership with Knox Supported Playgroup, we are now hosting Supported Playgroup sessions in our ELC!

This is a wonderful opportunity for families to connect, learn, and play in a supportive environment.

Date: Wednesdays

Time: 9:15 – 11:15 am

Location: Boronia K-12 College Early Learning Centre (access via Rangeview Road),

If you or someone you know is interested in joining the Knox Supported Playgroup, please contact Knox Council on (03) 9298 8348 or email

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