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The BK12 Buzz // Term 4 – Issue 2

20th December 2024

We hope you enjoy catching up on all the excitement from the last half of Term 4 at Boronia K-12 College in Issue 2 of the BK12 Buzz!


Take a look at our new promotional video! (Link Below)


Boronia K-12 College Promotional Video


On behalf of all staff here at Boronia K-12 College, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We can’t wait to welcome you back in 2025 for Term 1. 

Term 4 Key Dates & Advertisements – 2025

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Key Dates – 2025

Friday 20 December 2024Last Day of Term 4 2024 – 1:30pm finish
Tuesday 28 January 2025Staff Return to School – Curriculum Day (student-free day)
Wednesday 29 January Foundation – Year 6, Year 7 and Year 11 – 12 Return to School
Thursday 30 January Remaining Year Levels Return to School (whole school back)
Wednesday 5 – Friday 7 FebruaryYear 7 Camp FernGully Lodge
Thursday 13 February Whole School Swimming Carnival
Saturday 1 MarchKnox Festival – BK12 will have a stall
Tuesday 25 March Boronia K-12 College Open Day/Night

Whole School Curriculum Day

Friday 28 MarchLast Day Term 1 – 2:30pm finish


Spartan’s Uniform Holiday-Period Information

  • Final Uniform Delivery 2024 – Week 10 2024 9 – 13 December 2024
  • First Uniform Delivery 2025 – Week 1 2025 28 – 31 January 2025
  • Orders placed during the break for Delivery to School will be held and sent when school reopens on 28th January
  • Orders for delivery to home will continue to be processed and sent via Australia Post.  (Except during our Christmas Closure period from 20th December to 6th January)
  • All stores will close at 5.00 pm on Friday 20th December and reopen at 9.00 am Wednesday 8th January – Please check the website for each store’s hours
  • All stores will be open on Australia Day Public Holiday 27th January 2025

For information and assistance please email


Principal Report

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Dear Parents/Carers, Students and Families, 

We have reached the end of 2024 and what a huge year it has been for our college.

Boronia K-12 College 2024 DUX

Congratulations goes to our 2024 College DUX, Matthew Mayfield. Matthew plans to pursue Chemical Engineering at Monash University in 2025. This year, we have seen some of the best VCE results achieved by our students, a testament to our students’ hard work. A big thank you to our teachers across Year 7 – 12 for your tireless efforts, we continue to raise the bar and challenge our students to achieve their personal best. This year’s success is not just about Year 12 but reflects the work of every teacher who has supported and shaped our students throughout their journey, including through our primary school and in some cases our Kinder. Moreover, a big thanks to our Senior School and Careers Team who continue to assist students with their next steps. Finally, and most importantly, I wish to say that at BK12 we recognise and celebrate all Pathways to Success and this looks different for every student. We wish all of our Year 12 students the best moving forward.

Boronia K-12 College Values Review

This term we underwent a process of reviewing our current values, vision statement and motto. The purpose for this was to ask important questions about who we are as a school, what we stand for and whether our current values, vision and motto still represent who we are and our ambitions for the future. It had also been 12 years since the Boronia K-12 College opened so it made sense that it was time to undertake this review especially after our school review late last term. The process involved stakeholder groups, encompassing: all staff, students from our Student Voice Team and others who participated in the school review, school council members and our Parents, Friends and Community Group.

It is with great excitement that I announce to you today our new College Values, Vision Statement, and Motto starting from 2025.


To me, this feels like a natural evolution for our school – honouring two existing values, Community and Respect, that have been widely endorsed throughout this process by all stakeholders involved, while introducing two new values, Aspiration and Excellence, that reflect our ambition and the direction in which we are heading as a school community.


Belong, Believe, Achieve

Belong refers to each individual feeling that they belong and feel valued as a member of our school community. Belonging gives everyone a sense of safety, positivity, support and motivation to learn.

Believe is underpinned by belonging and refers to the belief in oneself to strive for their personal best.

Achieve is underpinned by both belonging and belief because once you feel that you belong and believe in your capabilities, achieving your goals becomes possible. 


At Boronia K-12 College, we foster a safe and inclusive learning environment where every student feels a strong sense of belonging. We are committed to empowering students to become knowledgeable, resilient, and curious learners who are equipped to engage with the local and global community. We inspire a shared passion for learning and encourage everyone to strive for their personal best.


We will connect the key words from the vision statement to the 9 segments of our ‘b’ logo and will also have the motto visually presented next to the logo.


The updated logo will be used on our website, promotional material and merchandise. Our uniform logo will remain the same.

The focus now is on developing elaborations of our new values to establish a shared understanding and language in preparation for the official launch in 2025.

New College Promotional Video

Recently, we were offered a free multi-media package. You can view the new promotional video below.

School Fete

A massive thanks to our community for supporting the inaugural Fete. Despite some challenging weather, it was a fantastic success for our school. There was a great turn out with smiles all round! A big thanks to our staff, parent helpers, members from Boronia Rotary Club, all the organisational stalls and market stalls. A special thanks to Mr Robinson for organising the performances, Ms McMillan, Ms Lumsden and Ms Easton for the amazing Art Exhibition, the primary teachers for the learning activities and the Sausage Sizzle Team lead by Mr Stone and Mr Latu – thank you so much everyone!

And, what an incredible effort by Bree Ibbotson, who played a critical role in the organisation of our fete, supported by our wonderful office team. Thank you!

Announcing our 2025 Student Leadership Team

  • Senior College Captain – Lucinda Eichinski
  • Senior College Captain – Emily McKergow
  • Senior College Vice-Captain – Cruz Tomlinson
  • Senior College Vice-Captain – Ashley Davies
  • Senior College Vice-Captain – Baelan Coutts
  • Middle College Captain – Matthew Payne
  • Middle College Vice-Captain – Mitchell Knight
  • Middle College Vice-Captain – CJ Stagg
  • Secondary Chandler House Captains – Annabelle and Miranda Skevington
  • Secondary Paterson House Captain – Jaxson Bethune
  • Secondary Hollows House Captain – Myra Searle
  • Secondary Freeman House Captain – Elle Davies
  • Junior School Captains – Prue Rosel, Bella Crawford, Connor Williamson, Emily Forman
  • Primary Chandler House Captains – Roy O’Reilly
  • Primary Paterson House Captain – Rogue Dare
  • Primary Hollows House Captain – Evie Smith
  • Primary Freeman House Captain – Tilli Church

Departing Staff

As we approach the end of the year, we also bid farewell to several staff members who have made significant contributions to the Boronia K-12 College community. We thank them for their dedication and wish them all the best for the future:

  • Adrienne Tanner (taking 12 months leave)
  • Amanda Cellante (who left mid-year)
  • Amy Cumming
  • Catherine Holleran
  • Celeste Wells
  • Chia Yee Robertson
  • Lachlan Riddiford
  • Meg Williams
  • Michael Arvanitakis
  • Kelsey Van Ommen
  • Ruihong Lu

New Staff

We welcome new staff to our college:

  • Sophia Edwards – Student Counsellor
  • Dean Moore – Instrumental Music – Piano, Guitar, Bass (Secondary and Primary)
  • Lilian Ceron-Fernandez – Spanish

Going from Good to Great!

2025 will be the year in which we accelerate our school improvement journey, moving from a good school to a great school in every aspect. The crucial ingredients to make this happen are:

  • Strong Leadership with a clear vision and direction
  • Stronger connections with our local community – “A great school sits at the heart of a great community”
  • Parents and Staff working together to achieve the best outcomes for students
  • High expectations when it comes to learning, wearing uniform, following school rules
  • Collective Responsibility and Accountability for staff
  • Clear Direction, compelling narrative and sequential priorities
  • A calm and orderly environment where students are known by staff
  • A focus on what matters most – fewer priorities, done well

Embracing Higher Expectations

I want to emphasise the importance of our shared expectations for our school, which are fundamental about creating a positive and productive learning environment. It is crucial that we continuously challenge ourselves as a school community to reach new heights. Together, we can ‘raise the bar’ to improve every aspect of our school programs and service.

School Attendance

Next year, attendance will continue to be a high priority for our school. Together we can make sure every day of learning counts. Collectively, let’s ensure that our young people know the importance of attending school for their future opportunities. Evidence shows us that career opportunities and future prosperity decreases for high levels of school absence. Thank you for your support.

Uniform and Learning Resources

I would like to remind families and students of our high expectations regarding being ready to learn daily with the required equipment/materials and wearing the current school uniform. The summer period is a time for family and friends but also for reflection and getting organised for 2025. New books, stationary and BK12 Uniform is all part of this process. We are always here to support families.

Bell Times 2025

A reminder that we have started using new bell times that provide a consistent day structure for all five school days. This supports us to implement a consistent and predictable learning environment. You will notice a ‘Mentor’ Class after period 2 each day. This class will be taught by the same Mentor teacher every day who will teach topics under three pillars: Learning to Learn, Wellbeing and Inclusion and Careers and Pathways. On Fridays, the middle and senior school assemblies will run during this time.

Boronia K-12 College Strategic Plan

Our next four-year Strategic Plan (2025 – 2028) outlines our goals, key improvement strategies and key performance targets. 

Goal 1: Improve the learning growth and achievement of every student

Goal 2: Maximise the engagement and wellbeing for every student

Open Night and Curriculum Day

I wish to flag that our College Open Night which will also be a Curriculum Day is scheduled for Tuesday 25 March.

Thank you once again for your continued support and partnership. Together, let us continue to champion our school in the wider community. Have a wonderful break, and I look forward to welcoming you all back for a strong finish to the school year.


Paul Broecker


Assistant Principal Report / Secondary

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The End of the 2024 Academic Program

We are very pleased to report that our students finished off their 2024 academic program with rigour and enthusiasm. This included completing Common Assessment Tasks and sitting exams, and other activities to demonstrate their learning, effort and achievement across the year. A summary of students’ achievement can be found in the Semester Two Reports which became available for viewing on Friday, 13th December via Compass.

Congratulations to the Year 12 Class of 2024

Following our Valedictory Evening, our Year 12 students have received their results and perhaps their ATAR scores. We are immensely proud of every student in both our VCE and VM programs for their efforts. It is a time of celebration and reflection for our Graduate Year 12 class, and they can finally appreciate the rewards of their hard work and effort throughout the year with their results.

Step-Up Program

The recent Step-Up Program saw all students in Years 7-11 take the leap into their 2025 cohorts, Mentor Groups and classes. Students engaged in these classes well, connecting with their new teachers, leaders and peers, setting themselves up for success and able to hit the ground running when we return next year.

Awards Evening 12th December

With great pride and enthusiasm, we celebrated the achievement and growth of our students at our Awards Evening at the Karralyka Centre in Ringwood on Thursday, 12th December. In the areas of academia, Sport, the Arts, Leadership, Community Service and College values, our students worked hard to achieve so much. Coming together to acknowledge these efforts is a highlight of the school year and I congratulate all students in who were recognised on the night.

Gumbuya World 

The end of year celebrations culminated in our excursion to Gumbuya World. A cross-level excursion like this is a fantastic opportunity for students to bond across year groups while enjoying a mix of excitement and education. Staff and students experienced thrilling rides, refreshing water slides and engaged in wildlife displays. It was a great day out and a memorable experience for those that attended. 

Thanks to Dominos Bayswater

A special mention to the owners of Dominos Bayswater (Richard and Anastasya) who have very kindly donated free pizza vouchers for all our graduating Yr 6 and Yr 12 students. Yr 6 students will receive their voucher at their Graduation Dinner whilst 2024 Yr 12 graduates will have their voucher posted home with their VCAA results. We are thrilled to have this type of support from our local business owners.

Key Dates for Term 1, 2025

To assist in forward planning, please note that staff will be returning from the holiday period on Tuesday, 28th January 2025. This is a pupil free day which is set by the State Government to provide staff with time to prepare for the return of students. Students commence the year with a staggered start.

This means that Wednesday, 30th January 2025 will be the first school day for our students in Foundation and Years 6, 7, 11 and 12.

In the middle years, we have found this system to work very well in recent years: it will again allow our new Year 7 students to experience a full day of induction, including getting to know their peers, meeting their new teachers, logging in to the school’s computer network, becoming familiar with Compass and many other important tasks that beginning secondary school requires. Students in Years 8, 9 and 10 will commence on Thursday, 31st January.

Thank you!

As this is the last newsletter for the year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff for their professionalism and effort throughout the year. Thank you to parents/carers and families, for your commitment to our college and to your child’s education.  The positive partnership between home and school is an important one for students and makes a real difference to our children. We wish you a very safe, happy, and relaxing festive season.


Kathryn Middleton

Assistant Principal, Secondary

Assistant Principal / Primary

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Term 4

As we approach the end of another busy and successful year, it’s a great time to reflect on the many memorable events and achievements that have taken place throughout our school community. From celebrating the accomplishments of our students at the Children’s University Graduation to the exciting experiences at the Year 3-6 Camp and the festive spirit at our Christmas Concert, there has been no shortage of activities that have enriched the lives of our students. Additionally, we have witnessed growth in leadership, welcomed new faces, and made important strides in student wellbeing and school culture. As we look forward to the new year, we are excited about the opportunities ahead and the continued success of our students and staff.

Children’s University Graduation

On November 26th, a group of us travelled to Swinburne in Hawthorn to celebrate the 4th Children’s University graduation for our cohort of students. It was a wonderful experience, highlighting the extra-curricular activities that many of our students participate in outside of school. These activities help them develop their academic, social, emotional, and interpersonal skills, enabling them to become the best version of themselves. We celebrated the achievements of new students in the program, and our two highest achievers in hours — both from our school — received the top award: the diploma! It was inspiring to share this moment with other schools involved in the program, allowing us to make connections and exchange ideas, learning, and experiences.

Year 3-6 Camp

The Year 3-6 students combined for an adventure at Golden Valley Adventure Camp. Apart from the exciting activities like the giant swing and ropes course, the most valuable aspect was the chance to come together, form new friendships, reconnect with old ones, and challenge ourselves through new experiences. The maturity and resilience displayed by the students exceeded our expectations.

Christmas Concert

Another year, another Christmas Concert to kick off the countdown to Christmas! We couldn’t have done it without our dedicated staff, who helped organize the event — from cooking sausages to assisting students on and off stage and rehearsing until the songs were near perfect. We also extend our thanks to the senior students who helped with sound, lighting, and staging, with special recognition to Ms. Crawford. Her hard work throughout the term in music brought everything together for this event. While we understand that singing, dancing, and being on stage aren’t for everyone, we greatly appreciated the effort students made in embracing the Christmas spirit. We hope you enjoyed grooving along to the flash mob at the end!

Pen Licences

Congratulations to students who received their Pen Licences this term!


On Tuesday, December 10th, we welcomed our new Foundation students for a ‘taste’ of school life. It has been wonderful to watch their confidence grow through their transition sessions, culminating in a half-day experience that more closely reflected classroom activities, along with some playtime on the playground. We eagerly anticipate their first official day on Wednesday, January 29th.

On the same day, our Year 6 students attended their Transition Day at the Secondary campus. It was great to see them demonstrate our school values alongside students from other primary schools as they explored the secondary facilities. The students also enjoyed a fun game together at the end of the day. Additionally, the Junior School welcomed a significant number of new students who will join us in 2025 across various year levels. It was heartwarming to see how welcoming and inclusive our current students were. Although our new friends were understandably nervous, they reported feeling safe, welcomed, and excited for the year ahead — an amazing response!

Student Leadership

Our Year 5 students have worked hard on their leadership applications, interviews, and final speeches, and we would like to congratulate all members of our Student Leadership Team for 2025. The strength and enthusiasm demonstrated throughout the process was truly impressive, and we are confident that our Student Leadership team will continue to thrive with this group. A big thank you to Mr. Stone for his dedication in organizing interviews, speeches, and voting. His hard work in building the profile of Student Voice in the Junior School has been invaluable, and we look forward to the great plans he has for the students involved in 2025!


As the year comes to a close, we experience changes in staffing — some new beginnings and some farewells. We celebrate and welcome new staff and students, but we also take a moment to express our gratitude to those who are embarking on new journeys. A big thank you to Miss Lu, who, in her first two years of teaching, has supported us in both the ELC and the STEM lab. We wish her all the best as she continues her career in STEM at Boronia Heights. We also thank Mrs. Van Ommen and Mrs. Roberts, who have been a great support in the Year 3/4 team. They will be missed as they focus on their young families.

Mrs. Spark will be stepping out of the classroom (for the most part) as part of the Mental Health in Primary Schools initiative. She will work closely with the Wellbeing Team to continue developing our Inclusion and Intervention programs.

We are also excited to welcome back Mrs. Williamson to the STEAM Centre in 2025!

Thank you!

As we close out this remarkable year, we would like to thank all our students, staff, and families for their ongoing support and dedication. The achievements we’ve celebrated together are a testament to the strength of our community. We look forward to continuing to grow, learn, and celebrate even more successes in the year ahead. Wishing everyone a joyful and restful holiday season, and we can’t wait to see you in 2025!


Cassandra Wright

Assistant Principal, Primary

Wellbeing & Inclusion Report

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As the year comes to an end it is a chance for the Wellbeing and Inclusion Team to reflect on the year that was. 


At Boronia K-12 College we have continued to commit to embedding inclusive education in all of our school environments for students with a disability and additional needs. We believe that all students have the potential to learn and the right to access and participate in a learning environment that is committed to supporting their educational development and genuine participation no matter where they are on the learning continuum. This inclusive model, has the learning environment adapt to fit the needs of the learners in it, rather than the learners needing to adapt to fit it. We have achieved real success in building capacity of our teaching and learning support staff to differentiate and provided individualized adjustments that support the learning, the social and emotional regulation, communication and interpersonal relationships of our students.  We have achieved real success in obtaining funding support for more students than ever before due to the fidelity around our adjustment’s levels.

The SSG and IEP process continues to be refined.  In Term 3, Nicole Considine introduced a new initiative – an Open SSG afternoon which enabled students to share with their families and carers their work and the adjustments they use in the classroom.  Through items in the newsletter, we have shared strategies that we use at school to support poor working memory, slow processing speed, ADHD, and emotional regulation in the hope that the connection between school and home is enhanced.  Next year we look forward to the further implementation of the Multi-tiered System of support that ensures there are clear through lines to student management and support, so no student is left behind.


Wellbeing highlights of the year have been:

  • Clean Up Australia Day
  • Food Fight in support of Food Bank
  • Celebrating Days of Significance 
  • Reconciliation Week and the celebration of Bunjil the Eagle
  • RUOK Day
  • Mental Health Week
  • Wear it Purple Day
  • The introduction of Consent Labs to the Year 10-12 cohorts
  • The broadening of the Intergen Project
  • The Art Mural in the Art Garden
  • Embedding Kimochi’s as our social and emotional framework in F-2 classes

GP in Schools Program

As we come to the end of another school year, we would like to thank the team from Headspace Knox for being an integral part of our Doctor’s in Secondary Schools’ Clinic. In 2025, we will be announcing a new partnership as we will be welcoming another GP and Nurse team.

If you require supports over the school holidays, please refer to the flyer below to access services and supports in our local community.

This year there has been a real focus on growing our numbers. We approached our local primary schools and invited them to a series of Discovery and Taster days across the year. Over 600 students from our local primary schools experienced our learning programs and facilities. From making keyrings, to bee houses to cooking up a storm in our Food Technology rooms we were able to showcase what we do best – provide hands-on, innovative learning with strong curriculum structures. We hope that the success of this program will be seen in growing enrolments in years to come.

From the Wellbeing and Inclusion team we wish you a safe and happy holiday season and we look forward to continuing to support your child in their educational journey in 2025.


Adrienne Tanner

Assistant Principal Wellbeing and Inclusion

Early Learning Centre

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3-Year-Old Kinder

The 3-year-old Kinder group have had a wonderful time exploring different aspects of our community. We have extended our learning about community helpers learning about their various role’s, equipment, and types of transport.

We have explored the concept of ‘respect’, learning to respect people, places and things. We read lots of books and watched video clips where we explored a museum displaying different community jobs and equipment, and visited different places, e.g., the Fire Station, Animal Shelter, and Digger Land where they used real diggers to play games.

To support our learning about community we have been busy working on our community display, creating our family cardboard plates and community helpers, buildings, houses, shops, vehicles and animals using a range of craft materials.

Our Kinder room welcomes all families to come and visit and share interests, celebrations and other special activities and events. This term we had a visit from a parent who generously provided sunflower seedlings, seeds, and mulch for our outdoor area. We experienced hands-on guidance on planting and caring for sunflowers and this captured the children’s interest. The children were involved in preparing the soil, digging, and planting the seeds, learning that sunflower seeds form a unique Mandela shape. Our sunflower seedlings may reach up to 2-3 metres in height, and we are eager to observe their growth throughout the term.

4-Year-Old Kinder

Our 4-year-old group were warmly welcomed by Bernadette at Boronia Library, who guided us through the library’s workings, showing how libraries operate and how to find books within the library.

Bernadette then introduced us to a fun Christmas scavenger hunt, encouraging the children to explore and search for specific items around the library. Their keen observation and enthusiastic participation were rewarded with a stamp for their hard work, further fostering their sense of achievement.

We also welcomed Pretheba to Kinder for a Healthy Smiles dentist incursion. She explained the importance of brushing our teeth twice daily and how important it is for adults in our family to help us brush correctly. We discussed which foods and drinks are good or bad for our teeth. It was invaluable to learn from a community helper about her role in oral health.


Michelle Buchanan

Director of the Early Learning Centre

Dawn Willis

Early Learning Centre Teacher

Administration Report

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General Office and Junior School Office

Holiday Closure Period and Reopening in 2025

The office will be closed from 1:30pm on Friday 20th December 2024 (last day of school) and will reopen on Tuesday 28th January 2025. 

Opening Hours

The General Office is open from 8:15am to 4:15pm Monday to Thursday and 8:15am to 4:00pm on Friday. 

The Junior School Office is open from 8:30am to 3:30pm Monday to Friday. 

Welcoming Toni Bellingham to Boronia K-12 College

Toni has settled into her new role smoothly and quickly become a valued member of our office team. Toni has taken over the role of Accounts Receivable and will take on the Marketing for the College along with Community Engagement and General Administration support. Thank you, Toni, we are all so pleased to have you as part of the Administration team. 

Student Details – Keeping Us Updated 

A reminder to all parents and carers to ensure that we have correct and up-to-date parent/carer/student details. 

Your prompt attention to this matter helps us maintain clear communication and ensure the safety and well-being of all students at all times while they are on school grounds.

In order to ensure that we have your correct details, we kindly ask you to review your details on Compass, including:

  1. Email Address
  2. Phone Number
  3. Residential Address
  4. Court Orders / Parenting Plans
  5. Medical Details (including any medical conditions / medication / allergies).

If any of your details need to be updated, please contact the General Office on (03) 9760 4900 or email us at

Thank you for your ongoing support as we endeavour to continue providing timely and friendly assistance to our staff, students and families. Should you have any questions or wish to discuss any administrative matters, please don’t hesitate to contact me on (03) 9760 4900 or via email at

I hope you have a wonderful and safe Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to welcoming you back in 2025. 


Maria Jansen

Business Manager

Senior School Report

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Senior School

As we have approached the end of the year, the Senior School has been a hive of activity with students and staff involved in a range of engaging and meaningful events.

RYDA Road Safety Day

On Tuesday, 3rd December, our Year 10 and Year 11 students participated in the RYDA Road Safety Day. This program, developed in consultation with road safety experts and government agencies, is designed to equip young people with the knowledge and skills to navigate the risks and responsibilities of driving and being a passenger. The focus of the day was on building critical thinking, self-awareness, and practical road safety skills through evidence-based strategies, avoiding scare tactics, and instead empowering students to make safe and informed decisions. It was a highly impactful day that resonated with our students, preparing them for safer experiences on the road. On behalf of the students and the school, I would like to extend our gratitude to the Rotary Club of Boronia for their generous subsidy of this program, and our thanks to the Rotarians who volunteered on the day and acted as chaperones for our students as they navigated the program.

2025 Step-Up Program

Our 2025 Step-Up Program concluded this past week and was well attended by most Senior School students, giving them a head start on their studies for 2025. This program offered students at Years 10, 11, and 12 the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the curriculum and begin preparations for the challenges of the year ahead. A big thank you goes out to our staff for their hard work in organizing and delivering engaging and informative lessons and activities during this program.

Awards Night 12 December

Congratulations is extended to all of the Senior School students who were recognized at our College Awards Night on Thursday, 12th December. It was fantastic to celebrate the achievements of students who excelled in academics, specific subjects, community involvement, sports, and music. Your dedication and effort have been commendable, and you are all deserving of this recognition.

Congratulations to Year 12 Class of 2024

Finally, on behalf of the College I would like to extend congratulations to all Year 12 students who received their VCE results yesterday, Thursday 12th December. Many of our students achieved outstanding results that they can be very proud of. To the graduating class of 2024, we wish you all the best as you embark on the next phase of your lives, whether that be pursuing further education, training, or entering the workforce. At Boronia K-12 College we value and celebrate all future pathways that students embark upon and we hope you find success and fulfillment in the courses and careers that align with your passions and interests.

Thank you to our students, staff, and families for your contributions to what has been a fantastic year for the Senior School. We look forward to seeing what 2025 will bring!


Wayne Judge

Director of Senior School

Middle School Report

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As we wrap up another fantastic year at our school, I want to congratulate everyone in the Middle School for their achievements and efforts throughout 2024.

Firstly, it has been wonderful to see students adjusting so positively to new classes, teachers, and learning spaces over the last two weeks in Step-Up. Students are to be commended for striving to achieve their personal best by meeting our school expectations of being Respectful, Willing to Learn, Resilient, and Safe.

Year 7

A special congratulations to our Year 7 students for successfully completing their first year of high school. You should be proud of how you transitioned to this new chapter, adapting to the rhythms and routines of high school life. Throughout the year, you have shown teamwork, built new friendships, and embraced new experiences, making it easier for staff to support your learning in the classroom.

Year 8

Well done to our Year 8 students for your growth and engagement across various subjects and activities. Your dedication, enthusiasm, and achievements have been evident throughout the year. Beyond the classroom, highlights included hands-on learning experiences during excursions to Ninja Parc, KIOSC, and the Year 8 Celebration Day. These events helped bring the cohort together, and we look forward to seeing you continue to thrive as you enter your final year of Middle School.

Year 9

Our Year 9 students are to be commended for embracing new challenges, developing resilience, and creating lasting memories. Highlights of the year included Buttercup Camp in Term 1 and the City Experience in Term 3. Congratulations on your growth, enthusiasm, and achievements. As you prepare to step into Senior School, we are confident you will continue to thrive and make the most of the opportunities ahead.

School for Student Leadership Snowy River

A special mention goes to Sophie Wallis, Jorja Vervoort, and Frankie Lewis, who represented our school at the School for Student Leadership in Snowy River this term. We are incredibly proud of the bravery and growth you displayed during this unique experience. We look forward to seeing your CLP, ‘Bake to Stop Cancer,’ unfold in the coming year and encourage everyone in our community to support this meaningful initiative.

2025 Middle School Leaders

Congratulations to our newly appointed Middle School Leaders for 2025: Matthew Payne (Captain), Mitchell Knight (Vice-Captain), and CJ Stagg (Vice-Captain). I am excited to see the positive contributions you will make to our Middle School next year.

A big thank you to our parents and carers for your ongoing support of your child’s learning and our school. Your partnership is invaluable, and we look forward to continuing this collaboration in 2025.

To our dedicated staff, thank you for your commitment to providing the best learning opportunities for our students every day. A special thank you to our Middle School Leader, Mr. Edwards, for your guidance, support, and ever-popular dad jokes! Thanks also to our Year Level Leaders, Mrs. Baensch, Mr. Collins, and Mr. Howells, for your incredible dedication and contributions to supporting students, staff, and families this year.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing you all in 2025!



Lyle D’Rozario

Director of Middle School              


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2024 saw our Kinder students visiting the library regularly on Monday mornings throughout the year. It was wonderful to see them enjoy their weekly sessions in the library with Michelle and the ELC team. What a way to start the week, I love it! Our Junior School (F-6) and Middle School (7-9) classes had weekly library sessions to facilitate independent reading programs and encourage and maintain regular borrowing habits, while our Senior School (10-12) classes utilised the library as they and their teachers needed to. All students (F-12) were also able to visit the library during lunchtimes. 

Term 2

During Term 2 in May, a group of students from Grade 5 & 6 along with some students from other local primary schools who took part in the BK12 Junior Writing Competition, attended a 3-hour Writers Workshop with author, Amelia Mellor, held in the BK12 College Library.  All students thoroughly enjoyed their time with Amelia and were also able to gain valuable ideas on how to edit and improve their story writing. They were also lucky enough to get her autograph if they wanted it. Thank you to Riana Baensch and Alex Hand for organising the event as well as the 5/6 teaching team who rotated through at various times when they were able. It gives me great joy to see our wonderful library being utilised for such events. 

Also, in Term 2 the Australian Library and Information Association’s (ALIA) annual National Simultaneous Storytime took place on Wednesday 22 May 2024 at 12pm. This year the ELC and Junior School enjoyed reading and listening to “Bowerbird Blues” by Aura Parker and related activities.

Term 3

During Term 3 in August each year across Australia, The Children’s Book Council of Australia brings children and books together by celebrating CBCA Children’s Book Week. The Book Week theme for 2024 was “Reading is Magic”. During this time, schools, libraries, booksellers, authors, illustrators, and children, celebrate Australian children’s literature. The Council shortlists a number of books in different categories and awards prizes to the best books of the year. This year, our Library was able to bring each of these books into our collection, each text given a place on display for all to read and enjoy.

2024 Winners

To celebrate the event and the magic that reading brings, we held our annual Book Week Dress Up Day. This year the Kinder and Primary students and staff celebrated Book Week by dressing up as their favourite book character. Students also participated in other Book Week activities organised by their teachers throughout the week. Our ELC enjoyed listening to Ms Wright reading the 40th Anniversary Edition of “Possum Magic” written by Mem Fox and Illustrated by Julie Vivas during their weekly visit to the Library.

The annual Boronia K-12 College Student Choice Book Award for Best Story and Best Illustrations were voted for and announced in Term 3 after students read and filled out a voting slip for their favourite shortlisted book, during their library sessions and at lunchtimes.

Term 4

During Term 4 in October, the College Library held its annual Lamont Book Fair and earned 20% commission on the total sales during this event. This resulted in $244 worth of books being added to our College Library collections. It was wonderful to see the excited and smiling faces of children and parents once again entering the Book Fair realm.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole of our Boronia K-12 College community in helping our College Library raise funds to purchase these new books, which will enable our staff, students and families to borrow and enjoy sharing the continued lifelong learning opportunities provided by reading.

Reading for pleasure inside and outside of school has real and long-lasting benefits. It unlocks the power of information and imagination, increases literacy skills, and helps children discover who they are as well as the wider world around them. I hope this year has bought our students a wealth of enjoyment as they buried themselves within the Library stacks and the world of knowledge and inspiration reading books brings to their lifelong learning journey.

As I turn my attention to preparing the Library in readiness for next year, I hope everyone enjoys the remaining days of the 2024 school year and has a relaxing and enjoyable summer break and I look forward to seeing your wonderful excited, smiling faces in the Library again in 2025. 


Mrs. Jenny Young


Boronia K-12 College Fete 30 November 2024

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Boronia K-12 College Fete November 30, 2024

On Saturday November 30, our college and community came together for what was a wonderful day of fun, food and connection at our inaugural Fete (despite the rain!). 

A huge to our staff, parent helpers, members from Boronia Rotary Club, all the organisational stalls and market stalls and our sponsors. From delicious food and coffee to stunning art and market stalls, dodgem cars and spinning planes to incredible performances and gorgeous farmyard animals – our fete was a great success! 

Secondary Maths

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At Boronia K-12 College, we believe that students will enjoy maths and be more engaged when they can do the maths. This year, a key focus of our program has been on reinforcing basic maths skills that students tend to forget. By doing so, they have a stronger foundation to learn new topics at a secondary level. Here we have a group of Year 7 students practicing a variety of questions to strengthen their memory at the beginning of their maths lesson.

For students who require extra support or more challenging activities, an online program called Mathspace has been introduced in 2024. Here we have two Year 9 students completing a difficult task on trigonometric graphs. Mathspace is a learning tool to provide deeper insights into student progress and identify misunderstandings, helping our teachers to support each student more effectively.


Isaac Lee

KLA Leader – Mathematics

Spanish Class

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Celebrating Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in Spanish Class

Crafting Sugar Skulls

In celebration of Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), Spanish class students participated in a hands-on activity that brought the traditions of this vibrant Mexican holiday to life. Students learned about the cultural significance of the day, which honours and remembers loved ones who have passed, while also embracing the joyous spirit of the celebration.

As part of the festivities, students crafted their own sugar skulls—a colourful and intricate symbol of the holiday. These beautifully decorated creations are traditionally used to honour the deceased, with bright colours and designs that represent the vibrancy of life. The activity not only allowed students to explore an important cultural tradition but also gave them a chance to express their creativity and deepen their understanding of the Mexican heritage.

Through this enriching experience, students gained a new appreciation for the beauty of Día de los Muertos and the way it celebrates both life and death in a joyful, reflective way.


Lily Cerôn-Fernández

Spanish / Arts & Science 

Specialist Teacher

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

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Fun, Exploration, and Learning Across the Grades!

It’s been an exciting Semester 2 in STEM, filled with hands-on activities, learning, and lots of fun! From exploring the world around us through our senses to solving engineering challenges and experimenting with science, our students have been immersed in incredible experiences. Here’s a recap of the adventures across Foundation, Year 1/2, Year 2/3/4 and Year 5/6 classes:

Foundation Students: Exploring Senses and Nature

Foundation students had an amazing time discovering how we use our five senses to explore the world around us. They embarked on story walks through the school grounds, which inspired a fun treasure hunt to find wattles and birds. But the adventure didn’t stop there! Students also learned about the local natural environment, discovering the deep connections the land has with the Wurundjeri and Boonwurrong Peoples of the Kulin Nations.

One of the biggest highlights was learning about superb lyrebirds and baby sea turtles, especially when the class got to re-enact baby sea turtle behaviour. Students imitated how baby sea turtles look to the moon to find their way back to the sea, bringing their learning to life with such enthusiasm!

Later, students were tasked with designing their very own versions of the lyrebird, focusing on the design process and planning. The Central Ideas they explored—“We use our senses to learn about ourselves and discover the world around us” and “People and animals rely on each other”—really shone through in their creative work.

Year 1/2: Water, Rocks, and Colourful Science Experiments

Year 1/2 students had a blast diving into the world of water filtration, where they collected materials, created their own filters, and observed how they worked. The hands-on involvement in this activity made science come alive for everyone!

In the classroom, the excitement continued with red cabbage experiments, where students explored the colour-changing magic of cabbage juice when it met different substances. This fun experiment introduced them to chemical science, the process of scientific experimentation and safety routines.

Students also explored rocks and minerals, collecting samples around the school and examining the unique colours, textures and features they discovered. Their keen observations and careful recordings showcased their growing skills as young scientists. All of this tied beautifully to the Central Idea: “How materials behave and change in different ways.”

Year 2/3A, 3/4 Classes Coding, Natural Disasters, and Engineering Challenges

The Year 2/3/4 students tackled coding and problem-solving with enthusiasm! Using platforms like Scratch and, they learned to code, debug, and solve problems. They were assessed on their coding projects, where their creativity and thinking were challenged, and students showed impressive progress with their independent work.

In Term 4, things heated up as students explored natural disasters. Each week, they engaged in different experiments and simulations to understand various natural disasters and how to create shelters to withstand them. Working as “engineering interns” for an imaginary country, students designed prototypes and maps to help protect people from these disasters. The hands-on work really helped bring their understanding of the Central Idea—“The Earth undergoes natural changes that impact on people’s lives”—to life.

A special highlight for the Year 2/3/4 students was their sushi-making session at the end of the year! Everyone loved the hands-on activity, where they got to practice their food-engineering skills by creating their own delicious maki sushi or onigiri. It was a perfect blend of learning and fun, and students took great pride in their culinary creations!

Year 5/6: Electricity, Food Engineering, and Space Crater Experiments

The Year 5/6 students explored the fascinating world of electricity. They learned how to safely work with electrical circuits and experimented with different components like resistors, LED lights, and motors. By creating their own circuits and testing out designs, they gained real-world experience in engineering principles.

In Term 4, the fun continued as students discovered the world of food engineering and food science. They practiced DIY wrapping techniques and created their own onigiri/sushi, following step-by-step instructions. This was followed by an exciting experiment where students designed their own space crater experiment, combining engineering and scientific inquiry.

Through these activities, students honed their design thinking and scientific method skills, proving that learning can be both fun and hands-on!

This year was filled with exploration, creativity, and lots of fun! From understanding the wonders of nature to tackling engineering challenges and scientific experiments, students have grown as learners and thinkers in exciting new ways. We can’t wait to see what next semester has in store!

Thank you for supporting our students in their STEM journey!


Ruihong Lu

STEM Teacher

Classroom Music

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Classroom Music

As we wrap up an exciting term in the Music Department, we’d like to celebrate the achievements of our classroom music students across Year 7 and Year 9.

Year 7 Music

This term, our Year 7 students embraced the challenge of learning a variety of instruments, including guitar, drum kit, and even singing! After honing their skills, they teamed up to form rock bands and perform short pieces of music. Their dedication and teamwork was impressive, and they should be incredibly proud of their hard work and progress.

Year 9 Music

Year 9 students took on the role of Hollywood music composers, creating original pieces for scenes from iconic movies such as Terminator 2, The Matrix, and Inside Out.

Using a range of online music programs—including Soundation, Chrome Music Lab, and GarageBand—they put their musical knowledge and creativity into action. Their compositions showcased innovation and creativity, highlighting their individual strengths in music creation. It was amazing to see students trust their skills and apply their learning to practical and professional-style tasks.

Well Done!

Congratulations to all our classroom music students for their achievements this term. We look forward to seeing how you continue to grow and develop your musical skills in the future!


Celeste Wells

Classroom Music Teacher (Year 7 + Year 9)

Secondary Instrumental Music

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Secondary Instrumental Music

As the school year draws to a close, we’re excited to share highlights from the Secondary Instrumental Music program and celebrate the amazing achievements of our students and staff.

Spring Soiree Success

This term, our students displayed their talents in the Spring Soiree, performing as soloists and duos in front of an audience of family and friends. Sharing their favourite songs and new skills, they courageously took to the stage, overcoming nerves to deliver heartfelt performances. It was a truly wonderful evening filled with music and community spirit.

Congratulations to our 2024 Instrumental Music Award Winners

We are thrilled to announce the recipients of this year’s Instrumental Music Awards:

  • Senior School Award: Jaxson B
  • Middle School Award: Kira B

These students demonstrated remarkable dedication, leadership, and a commitment to our school values of Community, Achievement, Respect, and Lifelong Learning. They went above and beyond, making outstanding contributions to the department and guiding their peers. We are incredibly proud of their accomplishments and look forward to seeing what they achieve in the future. Congratulations, Jaxson and Kira!

Farewell to Staff

As we look toward 2025, the Music Department will undergo some significant changes. Michael Arvanitakis (Guitar & Piano Teacher), Amy Cumming (VCE VET Music Performance & Ensembles), and I will be moving on. It has been an honour to mentor and work with the wonderful students at Boronia K-12 College. We leave with hearts full of gratitude and fond memories and wish all students continued success in their musical journeys.

A Special Thanks to Our Team

Our program wouldn’t be what it is without our dedicated Instrumental Music staff:

  • Rod McLeod – Drums and Percussion
  • Michael Arvanitakis – Guitar and Piano
  • Amy Cumming – VCE VET Music Performance and Ensembles

Their commitment, weekly guidance, and behind-the-scenes efforts have been instrumental (pun intended!) in creating incredible learning and performance opportunities for our students. Thank you for your unwavering dedication.

Happy Holidays!

To all our students and families, have a safe and relaxing holiday season. Keep playing music – We can’t wait to see what 2025 brings!


Celeste Wells

Instrumental Music Coordinator

Staff in Focus

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