Daily school attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind both socially and developmentally. Children and young people who regularly attend school have better health and life outcomes across their lives. It is important that children develop habits of regular attendance at an early age.
School participation is important as it maximises life opportunities for children and young people by providing them with education and support networks. School helps people to develop important skills, knowledge and values which set them up for further learning and participation in their community. Evidence suggests students who attend school more often achieve greater academic achievement and increased post school opportunities.
When a child is unable to attend school, parents are required to notify the school of their absence and the reason for their absence. We do appreciate there are times where absence is necessary, and we certainly do not want students attending school when they are ill. Students do not learn effectively when they are ill. They may also pass on their illness to other students. Appointments are unavoidable but please try to ensure your child attends for part of the day if possible. Holidays taken during school terms are not encouraged.
At Boronia K-12 College you are able to telephone the office or use COMPASS to notify of your child’s absence. It is essential parents attend to this task promptly as this is a legal requirement. Parents will be notified via text message if their child is away from school if we have not received a note from a parent before 10:00 am.