Day in the Life at BK12

Our “A Day in the Life” page offers insight into a typical day for a student at Boronia K12 College. Catering to students from 3-year-old kindergarten through Year 12, our school fosters a vibrant and dynamic learning environment that encourages cross-age learning and friendships.

The school day begins at 8:48am with Period 1, followed by Period 2, before students attend a 20-minute Mentor class prior to recess. Mentor classes are held daily with the same teacher, allowing for strong relationships to form. These sessions focus on respectful relationships, effective learning strategies, and exploring career pathways. Each class period lasts 55 minutes, with a 30-minute recess and a 45-minute lunch break. During lunch, students can engage in various clubs and sports activities. Every student is assigned a large locker to store their belongings, and combination locks can be purchased from the school for $10.

Primary students begin each morning with Numeracy and Literacy lessons, followed by structured inquiry learning tied to their PYP units of inquiry. They also participate in four specialist subjects—PE, Spanish & Art, STEAM, and Music—taught by specialist educators. Secondary students, on the other hand, have the option to choose from a wide range of electives, tailoring their learning experience to their interests. They can also engage in various co-curricular activities such as instrumental music, camps, interschool sports, outdoor education, high abilities learning and community events. In 2025, we will be hosting a whole-school musical and taking part in the State School Spectacular. The Student Leadership Team is very active in our school community and there are many opportunities to be involved.

The daily schedule at Boronia K12 College is designed to be consistent and predictable, helping students feel secure and supported. In addition to their Mentor teacher, students have access to the Junior Sub School (Prep–Year 6), Middle Sub School (Years 7–9), and Senior Sub School (Years 10–12) teams, who are always available to assist. Our multidisciplinary wellbeing team, which includes the Doctor in Schools Program, also provides valuable support to students when needed.

We hope you enjoy exploring this section of our website and if you have any questions, please contact us on 9760 4900.


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